The word ‘charity’ is often thrown around in the world making it feel like a part of all our lives. But most of us barely know what it entails. Human beings are bound to care about themselves first. Survival of the fittest, an explanation for why we end up as sometimes selfish beings. But what if our selfish nature could actually help someone and add a little more love and joy in this world? Allow us to explain. We’ve prepared for you a list of reasons that will encourage you to practice giving to charity and tell you how it could actually be self-beneficial.
Voice Within
As individuals in a busy world, we often limit ourselves to the common man, which is technically all of us. We become part of the usual and settle for a “routine personality.” However, when one involves in the practice of giving to those in need, a voice within helps us realise that we’re part of something more than our daily duties. We are involving ourselves in something bigger and are jointly working with other individuals to achieve a better lifestyle for those in need. A new awakening that tells us we’re making a difference.
Confidence Booster
We already established that giving makes us a part of something larger in life. This new self-realisation is bound to reflect in the way we perceive ourself and also how we come across to others. Overall, a certain joy or rather a ‘feel good’ sense dawns upon us and instantly boosts our confidence. This not only helps us grow in our personal life but also enables us to believe in ourselves and behave with a certain amount of responsibility.
Make some Friends
Charities are not formed overnight. Individuals who share the same passion work together to give to the less fortunate. When we start giving to charity, we make friends and become acquainted with so many personalities, thoughts, and ideas that we would otherwise be unaware about. These new connections teach us a lot of things starting with being part of a helpful community, to respecting, if not accepting, other people’s opinions. We grow a larger network which in turn boosts our social life and helps us in varying aspects of life.
Helping the Needy

While we covered some of the reasons why giving to charity is good for ourselves, let’s not forget the most important reason. This has nothing to do with us but rather, is all about others. The world has no shortage of problems. Some affect people, others affect animals, or even communities, while some even affect individuals on a very personal level. Giving to charity is simply ‘helping.’ It’s what humanity stands for – doing whatever little we can to push each other to have a better lifestyle and succeed. Do it for others, do it because you can, do it for change, and do it to help.
Little Peace

Giving to charity spreads joy and positivity in the world. It strengthens our bond as a community and helps us realise a moral responsibility towards each other and everything that makes this world what it is. Positivity and happiness are bound to bring about peace which makes community life worth living. A world free from indifferences based on how much or how less one has, a newfound balance that helps everyone start at the same level.
Stepping Stone
Coming back to the self-benefits of giving to charity; do you know how far it could actually enhance your career? Think about it, when you’re in practice of giving to charity, you build connections. Apart from that, an individual who is charitable always stands out because of their ability to think for others and their responsibility towards their community. The skills you gain when you are involved with charities are always a powerful tool that will help you succeed. People skills, empathy, communication, confidence, moral responsibility, initiative, and more are qualities that everyone looks for, and because of your involvement with charity, you have got them all.

It is said, ‘Do unto others as you want done unto you.’ Put yourself in their shoes and think what it would be like if no one were there to help you. The impact you make when you give to charity not only shapes the future of our world but also allows positivity to permeate into our own personal lives.
You can make a change, help those in need, spread immense joy, and see a lot of smiles; all of that, while also personally benefiting from it. Even if those benefits are rather subtle, it’s all still worth it!