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The pandemic has shifted the focus to online, be it shopping, gaming, or entertainment. FACES looks into some online trends trending in Oman

The Online Trend Taking Hold of Oman

With the current global pandemic taking hold and showing no real signs of slowing down, it isn’t too far of a stretch to say that 2020 has been a rough year for nearly everyone so far. In fact, the current pandemic has had a drastic effect on not just us individuals but also on a corporate and nationwide level; the effects of which will no doubt be felt for many years to come.

The Online Trend Taking Hold in Oman

However, where there are lows, there are also highs. So, if we take a second look at things, perhaps from a “glass half-full” perspective, one will notice a drastic shift in the way we do things. This is especially true with the ‘Work From Home’ trend taking hold as the new normal. A lot of things that we used to accomplish in person before has shifted to the online world, from grocery shopping to business meetings and even family gatherings. The online entertainment business, be it anything from streaming to online gaming, has also seen a sharp increase in viewership and subscriptions over the past six months. With families at home, even the family boardgame market is seeing a resurgence of sorts.

In this month’s issue, we catch up with experts from leading local brands to gain some insight into the extent to which these global trends have made their way into Oman and taking hold of everyday life.

In our regular features we profile Bianca Zaloumis as she explains her new BIY philosophy has changed her life forever. We throw the spotlight on miniature models as a fast-growing hobby in Oman. Don’t forget to read up at some easy to make at home beauty masks for hair, skin and body in our Look Good section. Happy reading!

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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