The Road to Loving Your Body

A step-by-step guide to improve your body image and fall completely in love with your body

Love your body. This is a sound tit-bit of advice but is far easier said than done. When we look in the mirror and see ourselves through eyes that are conditioned to look for ‘the perfect body’, it’s easy to end up disappointed.

But what if we told you that your body, as it is right now, is deserving of your love and respect?

It’s true. No matter how thin or fat – yes we said fat, no it’s not a bad word! – you are; how tall or short; how big or small your facial features are; how straight or curly your hair is, or how much hair your have; how wide your hips or how skinny your calves; you are perfect. We don’t mean that your body won’t change, or that you shouldn’t want it to. We just mean that at every step of the way your body is perfect as it is. We mean it, now you’ve just got to believe it!

Love your body

We know it’s hard to love our bodies because there is so much out there telling us why we shouldn’t. But we’re going to tell you how to cultivate a mindset that will allow you to love your body as it is, as it changes and as it evolves. Here are some steps to embracing your body…

The Road to Loving Your Body

Practise body gratitude

Have you stopped to think about all the functions your body performs in 24 hours? Like a well-oiled machine, it goes about its business performing numerous tasks to ensure you are breathing, walking, talking and living. Then why is it that we dwell on what we think is wrong with our bodies when it is doing so many things right? Being grateful for the functions that our body performs on a daily basis is something we must practise. Every night, thank your body for seeing you through the day, and every morning, promise to work in tandem with it to get through another day.

Accept your uniqueness

Stand in front of the mirror and look hard at yourself. Do you find your mind drifting towards the usual litany of all the aspects that could have been better? Now redirect. Acknowledge the parts of your body that don’t look like the ‘perfect’ ones that grace magazines and television screens. Now tell yourself that these parts only make you different. Not imperfect. There is no one kind of perfect. All bodies are equally beautiful. So, look at the parts of you that are different and accept that they contribute to your unique being. The next morning, wake up and repeat. Soon you’ll unlearn the ways you’ve been taught to look down on your body, and learn to love it.

The Road to Loving Your Body

Dress to feel good

Don’t buy into the misconception that only a certain body type was meant for fashionable or stylish clothing. You define your style. If you like lots of colour, go for it; or if black is your jam, do it your way. The only rule to follow is to make sure your clothes fit well and don’t hide your body. Whatever makes you feel good and confident, wear it!

Practise nourishing yourself

Chalk out a list of all the good things you can do for your body and think of them as ways to nourish yourself. Is your skin dry? Nourish yourself with some moisturiser. Is your hair dull and lifeless? Go in for a hair spa, and get it cut and styled. Feeling sluggish? Go for a run on the beach or a yoga session. Give your body what it needs – be it good food, more rest, exercise, a break, a getaway. Listen closely, your body is always telling you what it needs.

Love your body


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