If happiness came with a roadmap, better still a GPS that told us where to turn right/left, where traffic would slow us down, where we could reach our maximum speed, where to watch out for sharp turns and dangerous curves…we would all have found that road, if not the destination, to attain happiness. We would be cruising gleefully on the road, assured that that the inverted-drop shaped icon on the map would lead us unfailingly to our destination. Lead us in our pursuit of happiness, rather. For, studies have shown that we spend far more time in pursuit of happiness than in actually experiencing it.
Happiness, like so many things we seek in life is contingent on certain established constants. Like money, health, success, approval… We forget that these are fringes that hem our lives in; the societal fences that create make-believe happy fields foddered on wealth and success.
But if there were a roadmap, a signboard that said turn right to seek happiness, wouldn’t that make our lives so very easy?
It would, right?

So, we scoured the world of internet and dug into our experience satchel to present a little sketch of a roadmap that could lead us to that attainable happiness zone. But before we get on the roadmap, a quick jolt to state the obvious: Remember, happiness is cultivated, it is not a place you find on a map; happiness is a state of mind, it isn’t a country that you apply a visa to.
If you are reading this, you are probably aware that happiness is not the same as those fleeting feel-good emotions that fill you up when your self-esteem is bolstered by a complement on your looks, your clothes, your work… Words of approval do have a big say in boosting confidence, creating positive vibes and paving a path for better results. But happiness…? Can these short-term feel-good experiences translate into happiness? Perhaps they can, provided you learn to incorporate a whole set of values to those uplifting feelings.
Here is how you could get going…
Attitude of Gratitude
Motivational gurus have stressed a million times and over the importance of inculcating an attitude of gratitude in our lives to feed the seedling of happiness. Try it once and you will get hooked by the balance of harmony it will inject into all your everyday transactions. When you count your blessings and express gratitude for the same, you can be assured of a sense of contentment; a feeling of having more than you would have expected life to give you. Gratitude could be for the most mundane things like a hot cup of tea in the morning to subliminal ones like the streak of meteor lighting up your night sky.
Positive Outlook
Someone who looks at the positive side of life has an instinctive knack of how to tap on the happiness resource. Understanding that the choice of happiness lies within oneself is, often, the first step in reaching that happiness plateau. Spread positive vibes in your home and your work place and people will instinctively feel your halo of happiness. Remember the tried and tested dictums of life: love unconditionally and forgive easily. The more you feel in control of your thoughts and emotions, the more you will be able to experience life on a positive note. Your quick sense of humour, your random acts of kindness, your easy smiles, and your positive mien will all help you cultivate optimism and shift the scale towards happiness.
Relationship Quotient

The ability to nurture a relationship may be dependent on a variety of factors, but investing your time and energy in strengthening the building blocks of relationships that do require your attention, can pave the way to happiness. It will create a sense of mutual wellbeing and respect that will help you experience joys on another level. Make time and effort to nurture and develop your relationships and reap the fruits of happiness for a lifetime from them.
Health Matters
One of the constant factors of life is health. When all is said and done, it is health – both mental wellbeing and physical fitness – that creates conducive atmosphere to experience life’s finest emotions, including happiness. Physical fitness demands a balanced diet packed with right amount of nutrition, energy supplements and requisite water, alongside exercise, while mental wellbeing demands a positive outlook that is bolstered by healthy relationships and a do-good attitude to ensure that the balance is maintained. When stress is kept at bay and you make time for friends and family, and also some alone time, you are bound to generate a sense of wellness that is connected to happiness quotient. You are sure to achieve mental wellness when you are able to cope with your normal stresses of life and work productively to contribute to your family and society you live in.
Go on; begin the pursuit of happiness within yourself.