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Physical health and mental wellness are two sides of the same coin, maintain experts who exhort people to strike the right balance in their quest for overall fitness.

The Wellness Mantra

Get well soon… You have probably uttered those words every time you visited or called on a sick friend, colleague or relative. But how many times have you given the ‘well’ in that mantra a thought beyond its medical context? Probably never, as health is seen, generally, as a medically sound status – one where you are free from medications or regulated diets. A Wellness Mantra!

The Wellness Mantra

The importance of overall wellness, which permeates from the body to the mind and even spirit, is perceptibly lost in the mundane work-homework hectic pace of life. That wellness dictates both physical health and mental wellness is, somehow, overlooked by even fitness enthusiasts who devote specific time for workouts every day.

A lifestyle change is in order…

As the year gets set to grind to a halt, take time out to get on the fitness bandwagon and make wellness a priority in the new year. Wellness, that’s the keyword or the mantra here; one that goes beyond a ‘medically fit’ bill. It is a lifestyle that focuses on all the dimensions of body, mind and soul; it is the positive approach to all things about one’s life. As one wellness expert noted, ‘Wellness is not a medical fix, but a way of living.’ Make that your wellness mantra!

Physical health and mental wellness are two sides of the same coin, maintain experts who exhort people to strike the right balance in their quest for overall fitness. Read about it in this Wellness Mantra issue.

Get into a wellness mode with an array of healthy drinks and integrated medicine. We will help you with these right here in the Wellness mantra issue.

Dr. Mosaraf Ali, a pioneer of Integrated Medicine, believes wellbeing goes beyond health and follows a healthcare approach that is aimed at making the individual participate in his/her healthcare

Take a cue from this issue of FACES and adopt the ‘wellness’ way of living.

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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