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Right, the focus of the Youth Circuit issue is on youth: whether it is the fun side of teen years with gadgets and accessories or the obsession with beauty and fashion, it is all about life in the young zone.

The Youth Circuit

The impressionable teenage path is, often, paved with cobblestones of inexperience and hedged by pebbles of uncertainty. There is an element of confusion and a sense of frustration pegged on to the physical and emotional changes that the onset of teens usher. But there is also a lingering essence of a carefree attitude and a fresh pull of confidence that prods a teen to explore his/her potentials and find avenues to realise it. That’s the Youth Circuit!

Our cover story in the Youth Circuit issue is a tribute to this element of teenage years. It is a celebration of youth who have dared to dream and make a success of their talent. ‘Start young’ is the inspirational message packed in these pages, as it traces the lives of four youth from different sectors. They represent young boys and girls who have a quest for success and know just how much practice and patience is needed to achieve it.

Right, the focus of the Youth Circuit issue is on youth: whether it is the fun side of teen years with gadgets and accessories or the obsession with beauty and fashion, it is all about life in the young zone. We salute the vibrant style sense of our youth, the hip trendsetters, with a colourful ‘Special’ section featuring gadgets and accessories that reflect Joseph Joubert’s quote: ‘Ask the young. They know everything.’

The Youth Circuit

The Youth Circuit issue also has the following stories. Young Trailblazers – Talented young Omanis, who tread on the trail of practice and determination, are savouring success at national, regional and even international levels. Making Music – 22-year-old Ghazi Al Balucci’s foray into the world of music was inevitable, with songwriting. Life in the ‘Freestyle’ zone – Ameer Mohammed Al Balushi dared to dream and realised that with practice and perseverance one can chase any dream to reality with his fingertips and music in his veins. Drifting Games – Mohammed Al Hinai, established car drifter, talks about his love for the sport, which he refers to as ‘controlled chaos’. Youth and Social Media – Whether the average teenager today is addicted to his/her Smartphone or not, he/she is, seemingly, picky about which social media channel to subscribe to and linger on. It’s a start-up – Explore the world of business and find your niche

Come along and experience the aches and joys of youth with the FACES Youth Circuit issue.

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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