The story of YUZU Agriculture began with the three brothers Omar Al Said, Adam Al Said and Fahar Al Said. Born to an Omani father and Malaysian mother, the brothers were raised in Muscat, and pursued their higher studies in Dubai and the UK. Moving back to Dubai, they worked in different fields. After living away from each other, they were happy to be living in the same city.
Equipped with a common passion to break the mould, eclectic love of food, and excitement to work together, today they helm YUZU Agriculture, an organic farming venture that grows produce in the wadi soils of Oman’s Al Batinah region. Read on to know more…
What inspired you to take up organic farming?
Growing up in Oman, we would visit our small farm in the countryside. Biting into our first home-grown tomato that was flavourful and smelled divine, made us realise that up until then, we had never tasted a real tomato.
Once we moved away, we craved the natural flavour of produce from our farm and wondered how we could get it again. For us, it’s not just about the label of ‘organic’ farming; it’s more about farming produce the same way you would make meals for your family, with a big heart.
Tell us about the birth of YUZU Agriculture.
We started YUZU Agriculture while the three of us were on holiday together. At that point we were making an effort to be healthier – cutting down on fast food, eating more vegetables – except, it was so hard! We had also experienced many interesting ingredients during our travels and we craved to have such things here. So, we decided to start growing things and trying them out with friends and family – we failed many times but eventually began getting it right. Today we grow salads, roots, herbs, and fruits that are flavourful, nutritious and chemical-free.
Farming in the desert has its challenges. How did you tackle this?
Oman’s natural diversity enables us to tackle the challenges of a desert environment. The high heats of summer can be used to clear the soil of pests and plant illnesses, and Oman’s rich marine biodiversity is helpful for boosting soils. The annual floods, while destructive, replenish the water table and deposit rich wadi sediments in the area.
What are the sustainability measures you follow?
We work intelligently with soil, by applying natural fertilisers to restore health, improving its production potential for years to come. Other sustainable measures are packaging return programs to give cardboard boxes a second or third life, cutting plastic in exchange for paper, and smart cooling systems to cut electricity usage.
Why is growing non-GMO and pesticide-free produce important to you?
We began to find it difficult to trust that the vegetables bought at stores were any good for us. Our main concern is, if you’d like answers to understand how your vegetables are farmed, how would you find out? Also, we simply couldn’t bring ourselves to serve something that we felt might not be good for you. We were careful to define our values before starting as our ‘north star’ to always remind us what we are trying to achieve.

Can you comment on the present market in Oman for organic produce?
The local organic market has growing interest fuelled by increasing concerns over health, and a budding food culture. However, it’s down to suppliers to bring this market within the reach of people by working to lower prices, improve availability, and increase quality to enable it to really take off.
Farm to table is revolutionising the dining experience worldwide. Can you explain your farm to table concept?
In a world where people are located in urban areas far from farms, it can lead to a desire to connect with nature. It’s logistically difficult for everyone to come to a farm, so why not bring the farm to the table? At YUZU we enjoy the beautiful aromas of freshly harvested produce and eating fresh. We feel it’s an incredible experience, and an important connection for people to have. We deliver produce within 24 hours of harvest – it’s a difference that you can taste.
What are some of the challenges you faced along the way?
Where do we start? We had expected farming to be easy – plant seeds, add water, follow instructions on the seed packet. How mistaken we were! In addition to the usual challenges such as building customer traction and dealing with resource shortages, we faced agricultural problems from pest and disease wipe-outs to sourcing. However, with the support of each other, we persevered and did our best to learn as fast as possible.
What does YUZU Agriculture have lined up for the future?
We are focusing on bringing our produce to a wider range of people. We hope to inspire people to make smarter eating choices and experience the wellness and balance that comes with it.
Where can we find your produce?
YUZU Agriculture’s produce is served at many restaurants across Muscat. We will launch our retail offerings with Go Green Supermarket located in Salam Square.
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