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Giving the clichéd ‘don’t bite off more than you can chew’ idiom a literal rendition, we present the dos and don’ts of not just eating right foods, but, more importantly, eating in right proportions to enjoy healthy weight and fitness levels...

Weight Gain and You

With the joyful conclusion of Ramadan and the grand Eid celebrations, the focus is bound to shift to the nitty-gritties of everyday life, not forgetting the weight gained during the long Eid holidays and the endless festive banquets. Fried snacks, flavoursome dishes and an array of sweetmeats and desserts have a way of showing up in places that make fitting into clothes difficult. Weight, apparently, follows its own dictates and, often, refuses to budge from specific spots in the body.

The complex world of diet and nutrition is wrought with heavy questions that offer no one-size-fits-all answer. With diet fads changing as fast as fashion, it isn’t easy to keep a track of the new options, nor feasible to try all and measure up against the best.

There is, of course, hope. The eternal fount of hope, in this case, emanates from a suitable diet and nutrition programme, complemented by a fitness regimen that is designed to target the excess weight while ensuring overall wellness. Our cover story, featuring nutrition experts, delineates the path to follow for weight loss concerns, while structuring the lifestyle changes needed for the same. Diet and nutrition requirements of children are also tackled to highlight the need for starting a nutrition programme early in life. The underlying importance of nutrition is palpable all through this issue, which has borrowed from the vast subject to bring home truths about physical and emotional problems that could arise from excess weight.

In our Spotlight section, read about Classic Music and Arts Institute’s Drum Circle, which is, literally, rocking the music scene with its tried and tested recipe for stress relief and fun.

Come along and enjoy this issue of FACES.

You can visit the FACES Magazine, Oman bookshelf to check our back issues.

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