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Weight Training for Women

If your New Year resolution to lose weight hasn’t taken off yet, here is a quick look at weight training programmes to get you started and stay put on the weight loss path

Weight loss equations are not the same for men and women. Men, apparently, lose weight faster than women, as they have more muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat. This is why most fitness experts recommend weight training even for women. It is effective in building muscle and also helps in increasing resting metabolism.

Weight Training

Research has proven that more calories are burnt in the hours following a weight training session, especially in comparison to a cardio workout. Besides, training with weights also increases lean muscle mass; and increased muscle mass is effective in shaping your arms and shredding the fat in your tummy.

So, if you are ready to get a toned body, hit the weight training programme now. Before establishing your workout routine, understand that weight training calls for lifting with purpose and direction. The objective should be to lift weights that are challenging for you, while you continue to keep pushing yourself to add heavier weights to your workout as you progress. Begin with a warm-up exercise and try out these simple workout regimes to get into weight training:

Squat and Curl

The squat and curl workout is defined as a compound exercise to work the legs, core muscles, arms and shoulders in a single dynamic movement. Ideally, start with lighter weights before you move to heavier ones. Hold light or medium dumbbells in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, press the hips back and squeeze the biceps as you lift the weights. Press your heels on to the floor to return to the initial position; slowly lower the arms. Ensure that your chest is up, elbows are close to your body, hips are back and the knees do not extend beyond the toes. Breathe in as you squat and curl and breathe out as you push through the heels to stand back up.

Single Arm Row

Pic Courtesy: https://workoutlabs.com/

This exercise requires a flat bench, with weights placed on either side. Begin with your right hand and right knee on the bench; keep your left foot stepped out wide and hold the dumbbell in your left hand – hanging down. Lift the left elbow up to your torso – palm of the hand facing the torso – while keeping your lower back straight. Focus on squeezing the back muscles and ensure that the upper torso remains stationary. Switch sides and repeat the step with the other arm; continue for the specified time.

Renegade Row

Pic Courtesy: https://workoutlabs.com/

Place the dumbbells about shoulder-width apart on the floor and strike a plank pose with your hands on the weights. Push the right hand on to the ground, with elbow locked, while pulling the weight to your waist with the left hand. Now lower the weight back to where it was and repeat it with the other hand. Ensure that your core body is engaged and contracted to ensure better results. If the workout seems challenging in the beginning, you could place your feet further apart and bring them closer when you get the hang of the workout.

Dumbbell Chest Press

Weight Training

Lie on a flat bench with your face up and feet flat on the floor. Hold dumbbells in each hand and lift up so that your arms are directly over your shoulders and your palms are up. Pull your stomach in and tilt your chin towards the chest. Bend the elbows slowly as you bring the dumbbells in a straight line down to either side of your chest. Keep repeating without any pause in between. Breathe in on the descent and breathe out on the ascent.

Split Squat

Pic Courtesy: https://workoutlabs.com/

Stand straight and take a long step forward, as if you are getting into a lunge position, with the heel of the back foot raised. Keep your torso straight and lower your body slowly until your back knee almost touches the floor. Ensure that your knee is in line with your toes on the front leg. Push back up to the start position and repeat it with the other leg.

Weight Training Diet Plan

As in all workouts, weight training also requires you to follow a balanced diet comprising of carbs, proteins and fats to improve your workouts. What is essential is ensuring that you eat required number of calories. Depending on your age and activity level, the required calories may range from 1,800 to 2,400 calories a day. Consult your doctor to determine your requirement.

Weight Training

While it is important to include nutrient-rich carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) to maximize the impact of your diet, ideally, you need to aim for 2.3 to 3.6 grams of carbs per pound of body weight a day, which would be 276 to 432 grams for someone weighing 120 pounds.  20 to 35 percent of those calories need to come from heart-healthy fats (salmon, nuts, seeds and oils). Additionally, you would require 0.9 to 1 gram of protein (eggs, low-fat milk, fish, lean meat, poultry, beans, grains and nuts) per pound of body weight to promote muscle growth – that is 108 to 120 grams of protein for 120 pounds of body weight.

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