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Welcome! Challenges & Opportunities

Social media influencer Hiyam Al Jabri* is looking forward to challenges that will help her realise her nurtured dreams and aspirations

Cued by the new beginnings appended on to 2019, we asked a social media influencer Hiyam Al Jabri to press the pause button and rewind back to 2018 before going fast forward to the New Year that is ripe with promises and challenges.

Read on, as she shares her perspectives on the past year and presents her expectations for the New Year.

What are your personal and professional expectations from the New Year?

On a personal level, I just expect to have more friendships around the world, have a healthier lifestyle and become more fit. On a professional level, I hope to get a trainer certificate and start my own business. I also would like to expand my market as an emcee, travel to more places and have an active YouTube channel. 

How would you define the year that has gone by?

It has been wonderful. I have travelled to so many places that I have been dreaming to visit. And, finally, I started my YouTube channel and began to learn editing. 

Do you see the New Year throwing any challenges or opportunities in your line of work?

Success always comes with a high price. If there are no difficulties and no challenges, how can we grow? I welcome both challenges and opportunities. 

Any words of advice to begin the New Year on a positive footing?  

Always set your goals; write them down and say them out loud. I believe that this really helps with achieving one’s goals. Also, aim to be healthier and happier with the people around you. Have more motivating and positive people around you.

* Hiyam Al Jabri is a social media influencer and a bilingual emcee; she specialises in travel and tourism. She has a master’s degree in TESOL and was a teacher at a local college.   

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