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Women Do Not Need Empowerment Anymore

“Women do not need empowerment anymore; we have all the fundamentals to excel and be recognised in different fields,” states Eng. Abeer bint Ali Al-Mukhaini, host of the popular TEDxMuscatWomen series

Women Do Not Need Empowerment Anymore

“Women do not need empowerment anymore; we have all the fundamentals to excel and be recognised in different fields,” states Eng. Abeer bint Ali Al-Mukhaini, host of the popular TEDxMuscatWomen series

Women Do Not Need Empowerment Anymore

“Women do not need empowerment anymore; we have all the fundamentals to excel and be recognised in different fields,” states Eng. Abeer bint Ali Al-Mukhaini, host of the popular TEDxMuscatWomen series

Forget empowerment, embrace inner power. That is the message from Eng. Abeer bint Ali Al-Mukhaini, host of TEDxMuscatWomen series and a businesswoman, engaged in her family business as the director of administration and follow-up.

During the last TEDxMuscatWomen series, she, in fact, stressed that women no more require empowerment. For women, she maintains, have all the fundamentals required to excel and be recognised in different fields; instead, she insists that women should be brave enough to find their inner power and take the first step to be a change-maker and reach out for their dreams. To substantiate her point, she quotes the example of Omani women, who have – now and before – proven that they are capable of being independent and determined in building a family, a career, a generation and even a balanced society.


“The support that Omani women have at all levels and the importance attributed to the role played by women in the society, have enabled us to give back more to the society and align with the rest of the world in having a better gender balanced society,” she states.

Having built her career around a variety of roles and industries, she says she thrives in an environment where no two work days are exactly the same. A highly motivated career woman with a true entrepreneurial spirit, she describes herself as a result-oriented senior executive and a strategic thinker with the ability to proactively address and respond to the challenges of change.  Over the past 15 years, she has worked across the public and private sectors in the MENA region. “The professional growth I attained throughout my career enabled me to equip myself with the knowledge, network and skill sets needed to give back to the community, either through my daily commitment to work or through events that I implement for women,” notes Abeer Al-Mukhaini.

Pointing out that she is personally inspired by strong independent women who rise up against all odds and support other women, she adds that it motivates her to provide chances/opportunities for other women that need to be heard and rise to be a change maker in their own way along with empowerment. In the following interview she presents her perspective on the subject of women’s role in the modern world.

What, according to you, is the essential component for a woman to attain success in our society?

To me, the main component is family support. Living in a community with traditional and high cultural values can make it a bit tough for some women to excel; but once the family support is there, I’m sure every woman will be able to be more dedicated and accountable in the cause and message she want to deliver. Basically, she will be unstoppable.

Is our society better equipped to address International Women’s Day’s theme of better gender balance?

The International Women’s Day this year highlights the importance of balance in all aspects, including gender. To me, productivity is more important than gender balance. If the ratio of males is higher than females in, say, a workplace, we should ask where the higher productivity in work is. The world now needs all individuals to play a role in all aspects and having a balance results in better stable effects.

In Oman, for the first time this year we are having a women’s event, aligned and in collaboration with International Women’s Day on March 9, organised by Whispers of Serenity Clinic. It will highlight 10 different categories – law, education, sports, health, music, media, war, research and development, diplomats and arts – and each category will have two speakers who will outline the challenges faced and the strategies adopted to balance between social and professional commitments.

What is needed to drive women to excel in their chosen careers?

Confidence, determination and consistency, as each chosen path will be filled with burdens and obstacles. Without the crutch of these three factors, she will stand at the start of the road, unable to take further steps.

How can we teach importance of empowering girls from early childhood? 

It should start from home, through respect and trust. Girls should be given the opportunity and chance to speak up and voice their opinion to ensure that they can manage their future independently. Our young generation should be informed of their surroundings and have the ability to debate and discuss topics that will determine their future. Capacity building from schools, with focus on skills more than spoon-feeding information, as well as dedication, is essential, alongside freedom in speech and expression.

Where would you say Oman stands in the global focus on better gender balance?

Although Oman’s position in gender equality worldwide is a bit lower when compared to neighbouring countries (Oman was ranked 122 worldwide in 2010), the vision of Oman and the efforts that the government is putting in to make Oman a society for all, will ensure that the gender balance is established gradually. Oman has proven its strong global presence through various diplomatic and political platforms alongside worldwide economic forums, without fail.

Any tips and guidelines to motivate women?

Each one of us has different drives and motives that keep us on a particular track to reach for our dreams or fulfil the cause of our life. Personally, I always say people won’t see what you see till you achieve it; and once you achieve it they will clap for you and be proud of you. As long as you believe in something, go for it against all odds; eventually, you will get it. Listen to your inner soul, as god created us unique in our own ways. Being a woman is a supernatural by itself – you don’t need more gifts from god to prove it!

* Eng. Abeer bint Ali Al-Mukhaini was nominated as best executive of the year at the Women in Business Conference in 2009 – Oman. Holder of Masters in Business Administration, she was also the former head of Businesswomen committee at Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


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