As most offices go, the floor plan is, often, designed to ensure maximum productivity with minimal or no distractions. That would generally mean the workplace has a cubicle set up; a closed enclosure which is almost evocative of a horse blind. The focus only on the work placed on the table; the computer keyboard pounding away through the day to meet the deadlines and set targets.
So why should this be a cause for concern? Apparently, for health reasons…
While the annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work is focused on taking stock of all the years of work in improving occupational safety and health and looks to the future for continuing these efforts through major changes such as technology, demographics, sustainable development including climate change and changes in work organisation, this article is a little endeavour to draw attention to the collateral damages accruing from a desk job.

What is required then is a health-friendly workplace to take away the stress and monotony from all the computer use, endless meetings and client appointments. According to health experts, the design of the office can have a big say in creating an ambience that has health measures incorporated into it – most importantly natural light and the quality of air within.
Natural Light
Natural light is one of the basic requirements of a healthy environment. Whether it is health or overall mood, natural light has a share in both. When there is ample inflow of natural light, employees, generally, are known to have a healthier disposition with higher energy levels while working. A study has also found that workers who were exposed to natural light during the day slept better at night; they slept 46 minutes more at night in comparison to those working without natural light. Well-lit offices also boost stimulation and improve concentration among the staff. And if natural light is complemented by views of the outdoor nature, employees will feel less stress and enjoy better mental well being.
Fresh Air
In the office or outside, fresh air is a prerequisite for good health. Offices that are designed with adequate ventilation and access to fresh air are known to improve workplace productivity. On the other hand, poor ventilation, combined with elevated levels of carbon dioxide can hinder attention span and affect focus. With summer all set to descend, it is obligatory to ensure that the filters of the air-conditioners are cleaned and the office space is prepped for the drastic change in the weather, to help workers stay fit.
Office Ergonomics

Ergonomics, or the study of efficiency in the workplace, is defined by a good desk layout. So, if an office interior is not ergonomically set up, it could even cause health problems for the employees – from frequent headaches and back and neck pains to eyestrain and even problems in the tendons.
Small measures can go a long way in ensuring overall employee health and well being.