You Can Do It! Even With Porphyria

As someone suffering from porphyria, young Hanan Albusaidi, writer and social media influencer has used her health issues to inspire her followers with inspirational messages.

“No matter how much it seems like it is the end, remember you can do it…” is the strong message from young writer and social media influencer Hanan Albusaidi* suffering from porphyria, who has leveraged her health problems to motivate her followers with nuggets of positive missives.

What are your personal and professional expectations from the New Year?

After one year of my diagnosis with this challenging, rare, one in a million disease – porphyria – that took a lot from my health, time and energy, I am hoping to come back to my normal life. Personally be able to go out and always see the people I love, instead of being inside a hospital room; and professionally come back even stronger to my social media marketing business for more interesting brands. I am also hoping to finish writing my book and finally publish it. Maybe by the end of the year have my own brand/company and be ready to rock the market worldwide!


From an influencer’s perspective, how would you define the year that has gone?

It was very challenging…I had to spend almost 3 to 4 months in the hospital, almost paralysed – not able to walk. My life changed completely last year and it is hard for me, as a 22-year-old, to live healthily. All my life I used to go to the gym, play sports, travel, eat healthy, share my life and amazing moments with more than 155 thousand followers on my social media…and suddenly, out of nowhere, I get sick and diagnosed with this rare, life-threatening, chronic, genetic disease that has no cure. It is challenging, because I live in the USA, away from my family, working hard to get my bachelor’s degree in media and going for weekly infusions in a senior adult cancer clinic, which is the only provider of my treatment in my area. I am known to be very stubborn, I still am, but last year taught me to only be stubborn for my goals and dreams, but also be patient with life.

Do you see the New Year throwing any challenges or opportunities for you?

With more technology and features and apps being developed, I think chances are getting better for influencers to grow and express themselves and share positivity with the people around them. I think everybody goes through so much every day and when people hold their phones and go on social media, they try to escape reality a little or escape all the stress around them. So, as a social media influencer, I feel I always try to only share beautiful positive things that can make someone’s day.


Any words of advice to start the New Year on a positive footing? 

If I ever knew before last year that the year would come and I would be diagnosed with a horrible painful disease that I would carry for the rest of my life, I would have enjoyed every little thing in life that I can’t do now. For example: spend more time with my family, play more and go outdoors with my siblings, travel more and go to different cities as much as I could and as far as I could go, spend more time at the gym… Unfortunately, time can’t come back, and I can’t do these things now due to my health. However, I’m trying to think positive, fight this disease ‘porphyria’, eat healthy and stay active. And, hopefully, in the New Year, I would be better and would be able to do what I always loved doing.

So, always remember no matter how hard it gets and no matter how much it seems like it is the end, remember YOU CAN DO IT and after every end, there is a new beginning. Remember always that if God puts you through it, he knows you can get out of it; he gives his hardest challenges to his strongest warriors.

* Hanan Albusaidi is a student at the University of South Florida. She is the founder of ‘You’re Not Abandoned’ charity, founder of Porphyria Foundation in the Middle East and North Africa and blogger. She is a strong Porphyria fighter (she is the first porphyria patient in Dubai and 4th in Muscat).

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