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Clean That Home

Moving to a new home? Clean it up in 4 easy steps as shown by experts from Helpling.ae, the online marketplace for household services in Middle East.


1. Organisation starts with the move out
Paying attention when packing your boxes will help you to organise your move. While packing your things, always consider what you want in each room so you won’t mix items from one room in other rooms’ boxes; it will help you to organise the unpacking. Also, labelling boxes will make your work way easier.

2. Plan your cleaning spree
Even if the previous owner has cleaned the place, you won’t really know how well it has been done. The house might look pristine, but most people usually just swab away the dust and don’t sterilise all surfaces or pay attention to details. Before getting into the cleaning mode, planning is key. You need to think about the rooms and plan – for example, which rooms to start with, the size, the level of ‘dirtiness’ and so. Then estimate the hours or minutes you want to spend in each room and the sequence. A great tip would be to start with the bedroom and kitchen, as you will need to use them right away.

3. Cleaning tips
Start cleaning the rooms from top to bottom – never the opposite. Don’t start in the middle of the room – start with one corner and go round to ensure that you won’t miss anything. An obvious tip is to make sure that you have enough space to clean the room. If it’s full of boxes, for example, the cleaning will be demanding and not effective. Always finish off one room before moving on to the next one, so you can see the results of your work and be more motivated to clean the next. Also, unpack and organise the room as soon as you are done with cleaning, so you have a better overview and less boxes.


4. Attention to details
Pay attention to details. If you don’t clear every corner when moving in, it is likely that you will postpone the cleaning forever until you get used to it. After you set all your furniture in place, it will be twice as hard to manoeuvre around the corners and clean the hard to reach areas. Give special care to cleaning doors knobs, window handles, switches, faucets, etc. These places are highly contaminated as everyone touches them all the time, but they are quite often overlooked when cleaning. Also, pay attention to the areas between the tiles, sometimes they have mould and they need to be cleaned to avoid it from spreading. Pipes are often covered with dust and dirt, so worth an effort to clean them up.

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