Whether you belong to the privileged class of homeowners with large living areas and picturesque veranda/porch or have to contend with a small kitchen balcony in the housing complex, the idea of having your own little window/ deck to the outside world can be a boon (Not, if you have been using the balcony space to accommodate the washing machine, the clothesline or to store your junk, though…).
This winter, make the most of your balcony with a few budget-friendly décor ideas to make it a proper extension of your home and to enjoy fresh air and the new weather. Even if your balcony is tiny, with barely enough space to step outside, there are ways to make it your relaxation zone.

A balcony without proper seating is not beckoning enough to make you spend time there. But if you are working on a tight budget, you might want to consider some do-it-yourself projects to turn wooden pallets into comfortable furniture; you could also convert cheap crates into seats. Even your old sofas or chairs could get a new lease of life as deck furniture. And if the space is really small, opt for folding benches or chairs and even folding tables. Upturned crates can also act as tables. A hanging lounge chair or a hammock swing could brighten up the space.

Consider your balcony a complete extension of your home and deck it up with interesting and colourful accessories – be it cushions, tablecloth or rug. Keep the tone brighter with colours that give you an outdoorsy ambience. You could also add colour accents with flowerpots and creeper plants. But if the whole idea of a balcony is to create your quiet space for relaxation, keep it simple. Do not indulge your fancy for décor with unnecessary pieces.

For most city folks, balcony is the only avenue for gardening, albeit limited to pots. If space does not permit it, get pots that you can hang from the top or from the outside. Creepers could add an element of privacy and give you a natural screen, while adding to the ambience of your balcony. Look for fast growing plants to get started with your gardening plans. If you have the time, explore creative gardening ideas to give your balcony more character. You could have plants at various levels on the wall and thereby heighten the look. While a few carefully selected plants can help make a statement, tiers of plants can create the illusion of being in a lush garden.

Before you place the seats, the plants and the accessories, make a designing or the layout plan for the deck. Make the ambience interesting and even dramatic by incorporating design details of various heights in the available space. A potted topiary will establish your garden style look.

If relaxation is what you seek in your balcony, you would probably want to do away with the bright overhead lamp. Candles, of course, could work magic, but there are several DIY ideas to create the lighting effect you would want, with easily available items from your craft shop. String lights can also up the magic quotient of your balcony.